Great Neighborhoods - NE Bellevue

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Consultation has concluded

Large group of people sitting at different tables and having a discussion.

1 Year, 11 events, 2 mailings, over 350 participants, and countless ideas.

That's what has gone into crafting the Northeast Bellevue Neighborhood Plan. The team is grateful for the participation of so many community members who shared the vision, ideas, and feedback. The plan is a reflection of everything we heard along the way. You can read about all the activities and feedback in the Engagement Report.

Neighborhood Plans are part of the city's Comprehensive Plan. They are used by city staff, developers, and other stakeholders to guide decision making about things like sidewalks, parks, housing, and more. The plans help make sure that as a neighborhood evolves the changes reflect the hopes of residents.

Now that the plan has been adopted it is part of Volume 2 of the city's Comprehensive Plan.

Great Neighborhoods – Many Voices. One Vision. Our Future

1 Year, 11 events, 2 mailings, over 350 participants, and countless ideas.

That's what has gone into crafting the Northeast Bellevue Neighborhood Plan. The team is grateful for the participation of so many community members who shared the vision, ideas, and feedback. The plan is a reflection of everything we heard along the way. You can read about all the activities and feedback in the Engagement Report.

Neighborhood Plans are part of the city's Comprehensive Plan. They are used by city staff, developers, and other stakeholders to guide decision making about things like sidewalks, parks, housing, and more. The plans help make sure that as a neighborhood evolves the changes reflect the hopes of residents.

Now that the plan has been adopted it is part of Volume 2 of the city's Comprehensive Plan.

Great Neighborhoods – Many Voices. One Vision. Our Future

  • We are thankful to everyone who participated in the process, whether you attended a single meeting or were there for every step of the process. In an effort to continually improve, particularly with policy work on the Neighborhoods Element of the Comprehensive Plan on the horizon, we are interested in hearing about your experience.

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  • Thank you to everyone who provided feedback on the Northeast Bellevue Neighborhood Plan goals and policies. This feedback will be used to help inform the next draft of the Neighborhood Plan, which we will release at the end of May.

    Great Neighborhoods, the city's neighborhood area planning process launched almost a year ago. And despite the challenges presented by the pandemic we've been able to run a robust community engagement process. We began by asking people about their vision for the future and the values that mattered most. We then explored challenges and opportunities. Next up was a series of community brainstorming sessions where we learned how residents wanted to move forward. 

    We've taken all that feedback to develop draft goals and policies that lay a foundation for a vibrant, livable, and sustainable future for Northeast Bellevue. We invite you to take this survey to review the draft goals and policies and provide your feedback. 

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  • Thank you to everyone who took the time to share their values in our survey. We are now pouring over you answers and will be using this information to help craft a vision statement for the Northeast Bellevue Neighborhood plan.

    The first step in the neighborhood planning process is creating a vision statement. The vision statement expresses a community's core values and describes it's hopes for the future. 

    Below is a list of neighborhood values that were identified through conversations with community members. All of them are important in creating vibrant neighborhoods, but we want to know which ones are key to your vision for your neighborhood's future. . 

    This survey should take about 5 minutes to complete. You need to be registered on the site in order to participate.

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  • 感謝您抽出寶貴時間在我們的調查中分享他們的價值觀。 我們現在正在為您提供答案,並將使用這些信息來幫助制定東北貝爾維尤鄰里計劃的願景聲明。

    社区规划过程的第一步是创建愿景宣言。 愿景宣言表达社区的核心价值观,描述对未来的希望。

    以下列出通过社区成员对话确定的社区价值观。 这些价值观都对营造活力社区具有重要作用,但我们希望确定对您的社区未来愿景至关重要的价值观。 

    本调查大约需要 5 分钟。 

    Consultation has concluded
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  • 설문 조사에서 가치를 공유해 주신 모든 분들께 감사드립니다. 우리는 이제 귀하에게 답변을 쏟아 붓고 있으며이 정보를 사용하여 벨뷰 북동부 지역 계획에 대한 비전 선언문을 작성할 것입니다.

    근린 계획 프로세스의 첫 번째 단계는 비전 선언문을 작성하는 것입니다. 비전 선언문은 지역 사회의 핵심 가치를 표현하고 미래에 대한 희망을 다룹니다.

    아래는 지역 사회 구성원들과의 담화를 통해 확인된 근린 가치 목록입니다. 이 가치들은 모두 활기찬 근린 환경을 조성하는 데 있어 중요하지만 그 중에서도 특히 근린 환경의 미래에 대한 비전의 핵심 가치를 파악하고자 합니다. 

    이 설문 조사 작성에는 약 5분이 소요됩니다. 

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