Transportation Demand Management Plan Update

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A King County Metro bus crosses I-405 on the 8th Street bridge near downtown Bellevue

Thank you for your interest in the City of Bellevue’s Draft 2024-2033 TDM Plan update! This online open house closed May 15, 2024. Our responses to the feedback received will be posted to this site soon. The overall open house will remain open for questions and general updates as the TDM Plan is finalized.

The City of Bellevue Transportation Demand Management program (Bellevue TDM) encourages the use of sustainable modes including transit, carpooling, vanpooling, walking, and biking, as well as telework and compressed work weeks. Through the Choose Your Way Bellevue (CYWB) website and mobile app, Bellevue TDM encourages Bellevue employers, property managers, workers, residents and students to switch to sustainable travel options. Program elements include aiding employers in developing and maintaining commute trip reduction programs at their worksites; Bellevue SchoolPool, a collaborative program that encourages families and students to explore sustainable transportation options for their commute to and from school; and CYWB Rewards, an online trip logging, rewards and ridematching system. Bellevue TDM also offers personalized trip planning assistance, employer and property manager mini-grants of up to $10,000 for sustainable commute-related one-time capital projects; rebates for employee transit passes; and worksite transportation fairs to promote sustainable transportation options available to employees.

To guide this work, the city is in the process of updating the Bellevue TDM Plan for the next ten years, and we’d like your input! The TDM Plan aims to help make Bellevue’s respective transportation planning and land use planning visions feasible. By replacing drive-alone trips with sustainable mode trips, space can be freed up on the transportation network, and a more multi-modal Bellevue can be realized; one that is safer, healthier, less congested, more vibrant, and more economically thriving. You can help us help you by suggesting ideas for the TDM Plan, commenting on guided questions in the forum, and asking us anything you’d like to know. Your input on Engaging Bellevue provides important feedback that could inform the TDM Plan's efforts to help Bellevue workers and residents get around more efficiently and sustainably. To review the TDM Plan, click on the “2024-2033 Draft TDM Plan” to the right to review the document, and then click on the “ideas” option below to leave general thoughts, answer the questions in the “forum”, and ask us questions via the “questions” option.

Are you a business organization, employer or property manager of a Bellevue worksite? Bellevue TDM provides you with assistance and resources for helping your Bellevue employees/tenants get to your worksite using non-drive-alone modes. You can respond below with your thoughts on how we can best support you and your employees/tenants.

Are you a resident or worker in Bellevue interested in trying a more sustainable mode of transportation? Bellevue TDM provides you with helpful information on alternatives to solo driving through the website and mobile app ( Also, we would like to hear your thoughts on ways the city can improve its provision of information and assistance to help you get to, from, and around Bellevue using sustainable modes such as transit, carpool, vanpool, walking and biking.

Before diving in, take a second to think about these questions:

  • Residents/workers: How you get around Bellevue? What factors play into your choice?
  • Residents/workers: How would you like the city to help broaden your choices?
  • Businesses/Property Managers: How do your employees/tenants commute to your worksite? What assistance from the city could help you improve your employee/tenant commute program?

Thank you for your interest in the City of Bellevue’s Draft 2024-2033 TDM Plan update! This online open house closed May 15, 2024. Our responses to the feedback received will be posted to this site soon. The overall open house will remain open for questions and general updates as the TDM Plan is finalized.

The City of Bellevue Transportation Demand Management program (Bellevue TDM) encourages the use of sustainable modes including transit, carpooling, vanpooling, walking, and biking, as well as telework and compressed work weeks. Through the Choose Your Way Bellevue (CYWB) website and mobile app, Bellevue TDM encourages Bellevue employers, property managers, workers, residents and students to switch to sustainable travel options. Program elements include aiding employers in developing and maintaining commute trip reduction programs at their worksites; Bellevue SchoolPool, a collaborative program that encourages families and students to explore sustainable transportation options for their commute to and from school; and CYWB Rewards, an online trip logging, rewards and ridematching system. Bellevue TDM also offers personalized trip planning assistance, employer and property manager mini-grants of up to $10,000 for sustainable commute-related one-time capital projects; rebates for employee transit passes; and worksite transportation fairs to promote sustainable transportation options available to employees.

To guide this work, the city is in the process of updating the Bellevue TDM Plan for the next ten years, and we’d like your input! The TDM Plan aims to help make Bellevue’s respective transportation planning and land use planning visions feasible. By replacing drive-alone trips with sustainable mode trips, space can be freed up on the transportation network, and a more multi-modal Bellevue can be realized; one that is safer, healthier, less congested, more vibrant, and more economically thriving. You can help us help you by suggesting ideas for the TDM Plan, commenting on guided questions in the forum, and asking us anything you’d like to know. Your input on Engaging Bellevue provides important feedback that could inform the TDM Plan's efforts to help Bellevue workers and residents get around more efficiently and sustainably. To review the TDM Plan, click on the “2024-2033 Draft TDM Plan” to the right to review the document, and then click on the “ideas” option below to leave general thoughts, answer the questions in the “forum”, and ask us questions via the “questions” option.

Are you a business organization, employer or property manager of a Bellevue worksite? Bellevue TDM provides you with assistance and resources for helping your Bellevue employees/tenants get to your worksite using non-drive-alone modes. You can respond below with your thoughts on how we can best support you and your employees/tenants.

Are you a resident or worker in Bellevue interested in trying a more sustainable mode of transportation? Bellevue TDM provides you with helpful information on alternatives to solo driving through the website and mobile app ( Also, we would like to hear your thoughts on ways the city can improve its provision of information and assistance to help you get to, from, and around Bellevue using sustainable modes such as transit, carpool, vanpool, walking and biking.

Before diving in, take a second to think about these questions:

  • Residents/workers: How you get around Bellevue? What factors play into your choice?
  • Residents/workers: How would you like the city to help broaden your choices?
  • Businesses/Property Managers: How do your employees/tenants commute to your worksite? What assistance from the city could help you improve your employee/tenant commute program?