This discussion is currently paused while the community reviews the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS). To learn more about the DEIS please visit

Great place to live and let's keep it that way

Bellevue native here. From Somerset to Odle to Interlake to UW to working Downtown, I have called Bellevue home for the majority of my life. So many people are unhappy with the housing situation, but it doesn't need to be so negative.

My wife and I are in our late 20's and happily bought a house in Newport Hills last year after 3 weeks of searching and adjusting our budget to be more realistic. We love our neighbors, community, and the environment that we have here and appreciate how the city has maintained a high standard of life for those who live here.

Bellevue is certainly not a cheap place to live but do we really want to turn it into another Seattle? A high threshold for cost of living helps keep the city free of many unpleasantries and prevents many of the issues that we see Seattle face.

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